Pescatori di Mazara:
Shipowners for three generations

Pescatori di Mazara is the brainchild of the Genovese family with the goal of enhancing Sicily, particularly Mazara del Vallo, through the promotion of seafood products caught on board our fishing boats, experiential tourism and the story-telling of our stories.

Pescatori di Mazara:
Shipowners for three generations

Pescatori di Mazara is the brainchild of the Genovese family with the goal of enhancing Sicily, particularly Mazara del Vallo, through the promotion of seafood products caught aboard our fishing boats, experiential tourism and the telling of local stories.


Pescatori di Mazara is the brainchild of the Genovese family, with the aim of enhancing and promoting the territory of the province of Trapani and in particular Mazara del Vallo and its artistic, cultural and gastronomic beauties, which are inextricably linked to the city’s maritime tradition.

Pescatori di Mazara, starting from the activity of fishing and the figure of fishermen, wants to rediscover and enhance the city’s symbolic customs and traditions through a digital storytelling hub“Rizzaglio – Stories of Sicily” and“La Nassa – Shop online” to buy products directly from our fishing boats.

Buy Mazara del Vallo products directly from our fishing vessels.

Shipping is free for orders over $150.


Scampi di Mazara

Tartare di Gambero rosso di Mazara

Tartare di Scampi

Gambero rosa di Mazara

Gambero rosso di Mazara sgusciato

Tartare di Gambero rosa di Mazara

Gambero viola di Mazara

Tartare di Gambero viola di Mazara

Filetto di Merluzzo o Nasello panato

Mazara Experience is an emotional journey through the beauty, flavors and scents of Sicily.
Each day you will be accompanied by tour guides, native people and our fishermen to discover the most fascinating secrets and traditions of this island.


4 giorni - 3 notti

A partire da

1800 € / a persona


4 days - 3 nights

A partire da

1800 € / a persona


8 giorni - 7 notti

A partire da

3350 € / a persona


8 days - 7 nights

A partire da

3350 € / a persona

Discover the characters, traditions and curiosities related to the evocative history of our beautiful island and in particular the city Mazara del Vallo and the province of Trapani.


They talk about us

Pescatori di Mazara a Linea Verde Estate Rai 1
Linea Blu Discovery Rai 1
